Selamat Datang!Di Website Pondok Pesantren Sunanul Muhtadin

Pondok Pesantren Modern Di Kabupaten Gresik

Salah satu lembaga yang bernaung di Yayasan Sekolah Al Quran Sunanul Muhtadin yang juga memiliki lembaga pendidikan formal pada jenjang SMP dan SMA/SMK
Our Approach

Pondok pesantren kami mendidik santri siswa siswi generasi muda yang berpegang teguh pada islam dan dapat bersaing di era modern

Tujuan kami memperkenalkan anak-anak santri siswa siswi pada pengalaman pondok pesantren mereka di budaya lingkungan yang hangat, damai dan terdidik

Moral Optimization

Mendidik santri siswa siswi untuk selalu taat pada prinsip agama islam


Quranic Behavior

Dilatih untuk dapat menerapkan ilmu Al-Qur'an


Creative Thinking

Diajarkan untuk selalu berfikir kreatif

Pengembangan ilmu dan karakter santri siswa siswi yang terarah




Guru Profesional




Kerjasama Luar Negri

Apa yang Mereka Katakan

Get answers to common questions about Sway School

How does the school communicate with parents?

At pick-up each day, teachers post notes outside the classroom describing the highlights of the day. Weekly, teachers send emails, which contains detailed descriptions and photos of their week.

How many students/teachers are in each class?

At pick-up each day, teachers post notes outside the classroom describing the highlights of the day. Weekly, teachers send emails, which contains detailed descriptions and photos of their week.

How is physical activity incorporated into the day?

At pick-up each day, teachers post notes outside the classroom describing the highlights of the day. Weekly, teachers send emails, which contains detailed descriptions and photos of their week.

Where do preschool students attend kindergarten?

Pre-Kindergarten students who are ready for kindergarten and who meet the September 1 birthday cutoff are offered re-enrollment into Sway kindergarten which contains detailed descriptions and photos of their week..

Can I use my local currency in Sway?

Pre-Kindergarten students who are ready for kindergarten and who meet the September 1 birthday cutoff are offered re-enrollment into Sway kindergarten which contains detailed descriptions and photos of their week..

What parent volunteer opportunities exist?

Pre-Kindergarten students who are ready for kindergarten and who meet the September 1 birthday cutoff are offered re-enrollment into Sway kindergarten which contains detailed descriptions and photos of their week..

Sign Up

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.